Vanilla peanut butter oatmeal 

Trying to go low FODMAP and not alter your grocery budget is HARD! I am stuck eating the same thing day after day, or so it seems. So many things I eat seem to be sweet since I struggle to cook savory things without garlic and/or onion.  On Monday I start the experimental phase, which adds some promise, but the thought of a whole second month of this is depressing. I hope my kids cans husband will be able to forgive me some day. 

This morning I went the oatmeal route for breakfast. (It feels like my breakfast options really only are egg scrambles, oatmeal, or smoothies.) I wasn’t excited- especially since I didn’t want to turn on the stove and EVERY SINGLE TIME I microwave oatmeal it spills all over the microwave. Also, oatmeal is usually seasoned sweetly, and I really want something savory. Food yesterday was mostly a bust, so I NEED good food today, but alas, oatmeal was the winner. 

  • 1/2 cup dried oats
  • Dash of salt
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tsp vanilla peanut butter powder
  • Real maple syrup to taste. 

All in all a pretty good twist on oatmeal. Pre-low FODMAP I would have added in dried fruit and maybe some nuts. I am personally over peanut butter, but powdered peanut butter is the only approved protein powder I can find! If you can have normal flavored protein powder adding in something like cookies and cream might be a fun experiment! 

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